Peter Banning Quotes

Latest Peter Banning quotes from Hook

Peter Banning

Peter Banning chatacter image

Peter Banning is played by Robin Williams in Hook.


 You killed Rufio, you kidnapped my children. You deserve to die. image

You killed Rufio, you kidnapped my children. You deserve to die.


Thank you for believing. image

Thank you for believing.


Granny Wendy : So... your adventures are over.
Peter Banning : Oh, no. To live... to live would be an awfully big adventure.


Wendy Darling : Boy, why are you crying?
Peter Banning : I don't know. A tear for every happy thought.


Are you related to Mighty Mouse? image

Are you related to Mighty Mouse?


Tick, tock! Tick, Tock! Hook's afraid of an old dead crock! I think not! I think James Hook's afraid of time, ticking away!


You are a very ill-mannered young man. Do you know that?


 Don't mess with me man, I'm a lawyer! image

Don't mess with me man, I'm a lawyer!


Toodles : Lost, lost, lost.
Peter Banning : Lost what?
Toodles : I've lost my marbles.


Peter Banning : Wow. Brad, hi! You been holding this long? Uh huh. I'm incredible. Yeah, Neverland. Uh-huh. Lost Boys. Jim Hook, duel to the death. I'll fill you in later. Listen, I'd love to chat, but I gotta climb a drain pipe right now. Why? Because I ran out of fairy dust, if not I would've flown up.
Peter Banning : Why?


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