Ned Logan Quotes

Latest Ned Logan quotes from Unforgiven

Ned Logan

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Ned Logan is played by Morgan Freeman in Unforgiven.


Will Munny : Hey, Kid!
Ned Logan : KID? Is that Kid shooting at us?


Will Munny : I seen 'em, Ned, I seen the angel of death, he's got snake eyes.
Ned Logan : Who Will, who's got snake eyes?
Will Munny : It's the angel of death. Oh Ned, I'm scared of dying.
Ned Logan : Easy, partner, easy.
Will Munny : I see Claudia too.
Ned Logan : That's good, Will, that's good you saw Claudia, ain't it?
Will Munny : Her face was all covered with worms. Oh Ned, I'm scared, I'm dying. Don't tell nobody, don't tell my kids, none of the things I done, hear me?
Ned Logan : All right, Will.


Ned Logan : I sure do miss my bed.
Will Munny : You said that last night.
Ned Logan : No, last night I said I missed my wife, tonight I just miss my dadgum bed.


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