Miss Plimsoll Quotes

Latest Miss Plimsoll quotes from Witness for the Prosecution

Miss Plimsoll

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Miss Plimsoll is played by Elsa Lanchester in Witness for the Prosecution.


Wilfrid the Fox! That's what they call him, and that's what he is!


Sir Wilfrid, you've forgotten your brandy!


You know, I feel sorry for that nice Mr. Vole. And not just because he was arrested, but that wife of his, she must be German. I suppose that's what happens when we let our boys cross the Channel. They go crazy! Personally, I think the government should do something about those foreign wives. Like an embargo. How else can we take care of our own surplus. Don't you agree Sir Wilfrid?


Teeny weeny flight of steps, Sir Wilfrid, we mustn't forget we've had a teeny weeny heart attack.


Sir Wilfrid. Sir Wilfrid! You're dawdling again.


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