Mikaela Banes Quotes

Latest Mikaela Banes quotes from Transformers (2007)

Mikaela Banes

Mikaela Banes chatacter image

Mikaela Banes is played by Megan Fox in Transformers (2007).


You are the strangest boy I have ever met! image

You are the strangest boy I have ever met!


 I'll drive, you shoot! image

I'll drive, you shoot!


Sam, wait! No matter what happens, I'm really glad I got in that car with you.


Remember those cars my dad used to teach me to fix? Well, they weren't always his.


 Nice shot! image

Nice shot!


 Your mom's really nice. image

Your mom's really nice.


Trent : Why doesn't my little bunny hop in the back seat?
Mikaela : God, I can't even tell you how much I'm not your little bunny.
Trent : Okay. You'll call me.


Agent Simmons : I'm gonna lock you up forever!
Mikaela : Oh God, you know what? Don't listen to him, he's just pissy because he has to get back to guarding the mall.
Agent Simmons : You in the training bra, do not test me!


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