Midge Wood Quotes

Latest Midge Wood quotes from Vertigo

Midge Wood

Midge Wood chatacter image

Midge Wood is played by Barbara Bel Geddes in Vertigo.


I talked to the woman in musical therapy, and she said that Mozart's the boy for you. image

I talked to the woman in musical therapy, and she said that Mozart's the boy for you.


 For a man who has nothing to do, you're certainly a busy little bee. image

For a man who has nothing to do, you're certainly a busy little bee.


You want to know something? I don't think Mozart's going to help at all.


I have music for dipsomaniacs, and music for melancholiacs, and music for hypochondriacs. I wonder what would happen if somebody got their files mixed up. image

I have music for dipsomaniacs, and music for melancholiacs, and music for hypochondriacs. I wonder what would happen if somebody got their files mixed up.


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