Marianne Borg Quotes

Latest Marianne Borg quotes from Wild Strawberries

Marianne Borg

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Marianne Borg is played by Ingrid Thulin in Wild Strawberries.


Professor Isak Borg: Give me a cigar, anytime. That's stimulating and relaxing. That's a vice for men.
Marianne Borg: And what vices may a woman have?
Professor Isak Borg: Weeping, giving birth and speaking ill of her neighbors.

Dr. Evald Borg: It's absurd to bring children into this world and think they'll be better off than we were.
Marianne Borg: That's just an excuse.
Dr. Evald Borg: Call it what you want. I was an unwanted child in a hellish marriage.

Marianne Borg: I saw you with your mother, and I was panic-stricken.
Professor Isak Borg: I don't understand.
Marianne Borg: I thought: That's his mother. An old woman, cold as ice, more forbidding than death. And this is her son, and there are light years between them. He himself says he's a living corpse. And Evald is growing just as lonely, cold and dead. And I thought of the baby inside me. All along the line, there's nothing but cold and death and loneliness. It must end somewhere.

Marianne Borg: I know that this is wrong.
Dr. Evald Borg: There's neither right nor wrong. We act according to our needs.

Marianne Borg: You're a coward.
Dr. Evald Borg: Yes. This life sickens me. I will not be forced to take on a responsibility that will make me live for one day longer than I want to. And you know that I mean what I say.

All along the line, there's nothing but cold and death and loneliness

Professor Isak Borg: I like you, Marianne.
Marianne Borg: I like you too, uncle Isak.

Professor Isak Borg: I have liked having you about the house.
Marianne Borg: Like a cat.
Professor Isak Borg: A cat, or a human being.

Dr. Evald Borg: It's absurd to bring children into this world and think they'll be better off than we were.
Marianne Borg: That's just an excuse.
Dr. Evald Borg: Call it what you want. I was an unwanted child in a hellish marriage.

Marianne Borg: I know that this is wrong.
Dr. Evald Borg: There's neither right nor wrong. We act according to our needs.

Marianne Borg: You're a coward.
Dr. Evald Borg: Yes. This life sickens me. I will not be forced to take on a responsibility that will make me live for one day longer than I want to. And you know that I mean what I say.

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