Luther Stickell Quotes

Latest Luther Stickell quotes from Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)

Luther Stickell

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Luther Stickell is played by Ving Rhames in Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015).


William Brandt : [Brandt and Luther are searching for Ethan and Benji in Morocco in a 4x4 car] I thought you said you could find 'em.
Luther Stickell : I said I could LOCATE 'em. You have to find 'em.
William Brandt : Right.
William Brandt : Found 'em.
William Brandt : It's a high-speed chase and you just had to get the 4x4! Didn't you?
Luther Stickell : Don't blame me. You chose the car!
William Brandt : You just had to have it!
Luther Stickell : Look at it! Look at how slow you are going. Speed it up!

Luther Stickell : You need to understand something. Ethan is my friend. And if I have one SECOND of doubt whose side you're on...
William Brandt : I believe you.

William Brandt : Tell me it is possible to pull facial recognition off a sketch.
Luther Stickell : For mere mortals, no. For me, I could've done this at home.
William Brandt : How long is this gonna take?
Luther Stickell : Found her. CCTV picked her up at the airport in Casablanca.
William Brandt : What the hell?
Luther Stickell : She's bad news.

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