Luke Harrison Quotes

Latest Luke Harrison quotes from Stepmom

Luke Harrison

Luke Harrison chatacter image

Luke Harrison is played by Ed Harris in Stepmom.


 We'll beat it. You're not alone in this, you know. You don't have to go through this by yourself... you know that? Understand what I'm saying? image

We'll beat it. You're not alone in this, you know. You don't have to go through this by yourself... you know that? Understand what I'm saying?


Don't do this. Don't bring in the lawyers. You know that the kids aren't in any real danger, this is about Isabel. image

Don't do this. Don't bring in the lawyers. You know that the kids aren't in any real danger, this is about Isabel.


Luke : Anna! You do NOT run out on your mother!
Anna Harrison : No, that's your job.


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