Linus Caldwell Quotes

Latest Linus Caldwell quotes from Ocean's Thirteen (2007)

Linus Caldwell

Linus Caldwell chatacter image

Linus Caldwell is played by Matt Damon in Ocean's Thirteen (2007).


Linus Caldwell :  He owns all of the air south of Beijing. image

Linus Caldwell : He owns all of the air south of Beijing.

Linus Caldwell : No, Dad. It will work.
Linus Caldwell : No Dad, I won't put Danny on.
Linus Caldwell : Or Rusty.


Abigail Sponder : The air?
Linus Caldwell : Let me put it to you this way: try building something taller than three stories in the Tiangjin province, and see if his name comes up.


I'll see you, when I see you!


It is not a prop for prop's sake!


Linus Caldwell : Do you got wine back there?
Abigail Sponder : I got everything you need back here.


We've shaken all the trees, we've looked under every rock, we've talked to everybody we can trust I know it's not a great idea but it is an idea and as long as we have one idea we shouldn't give up


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