Leonard Vole Quotes

Latest Leonard Vole quotes from Witness for the Prosecution

Leonard Vole

Leonard Vole chatacter image

Leonard Vole is played by Tyrone Power in Witness for the Prosecution.


Leonard Vole: What are you looking for?
Christine Vole: My accordion.
Leonard Vole: I think I've found it.
Christine Vole: Step on it again. It's still breathing.

Christine Vole: You better get out of here. You've been trouble enough.
Leonard Vole: Actually, it's your own fault. That costume in the picture outside gave the boys ideas, and then those trousers of yours let them down hard.

It's horrible! In a gemutlich sort of way.

Leonard Vole: How are you fixed for sugar?
Christine Vole: I could use some.

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