Kingo Gondo Quotes

Latest Kingo Gondo quotes from High and Low

Kingo Gondo

Kingo Gondo chatacter image

Kingo Gondo is played by ToshirĂ´ Mifune in High and Low.


I have no time for lies. I want the truth! image

I have no time for lies. I want the truth!


That's enough! You're not paid to think! image

That's enough! You're not paid to think!


A woman wears a hat on her head, but shoes carry all her weight.


So what exactly is it you want? image

So what exactly is it you want?


A man must kill or be killed.


Reiko Gondo: Success isn't worth losing your humanity.
Kingo Gondo: A woman can't understand. This isn't about wanting to become president. I just want to make shoes my way.

He takes after you. He likes violent games.

Reiko Gondo: What just happened?
Kingo Gondo: Nothing.
Reiko Gondo: It certainly didn't look that way.
Kingo Gondo: Don't worry. You wouldn't understand. It's business.
Reiko Gondo: You always say that to keep me quiet.

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