Josephine Leonides Quotes

Latest Josephine Leonides quotes from Crooked House

Josephine Leonides

Josephine Leonides chatacter image

Josephine Leonides is played by Honor Kneafsey in Crooked House.


Sometimes people don't know what they know. image

Sometimes people don't know what they know.

Well, there's always a second murder. Someone who knows something is bumped off before they can reveal what they know. image

Well, there's always a second murder. Someone who knows something is bumped off before they can reveal what they know.

 The murderer is never the one you initially suspect. image

The murderer is never the one you initially suspect.

 She doesn't like me calling her Mommy. She says it ages her. image

She doesn't like me calling her Mommy. She says it ages her.

I hate stupid people. They're useless, apart from dying during wars like Grandpapa used to say.

But in some books, person after person is killed. You end by spotting the murderer because he or she is practically the only person left. We must see what happens next.

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