Joseph Tura Quotes

Latest Joseph Tura quotes from To Be or Not to Be

Joseph Tura

Joseph Tura chatacter image

Joseph Tura is played by Jack Benny in To Be or Not to Be.


 So they call me Concentration Camp Ehrhardt? image

So they call me Concentration Camp Ehrhardt?


Well, Colonel, all I can say is... you can't have your cake and shoot it, too. image

Well, Colonel, all I can say is... you can't have your cake and shoot it, too.


To be or not to be, that - image

To be or not to be, that -


If I shouldn't come back, I forgive you what happened between you and Sobinski. But if I come back, it's a different matter.


I had a plane arranged, everything! But, Mr. Rawitch had a burning desire to act again. And when Mr. Rawitch acts, someone has to suffer.


You know I'm never any good unless I have my peace of mind. Maria, be honest, be frank, I've got to know! Did you tell that fella to walk out on my soliloquy?


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