John Shaft Quotes

Latest John Shaft quotes from Shaft

John Shaft

John Shaft chatacter image

John Shaft is played by Samuel L. Jackson in Shaft.


John Shaft II :  Damn, you back at having a knife fight?
John Shaft I : Oh hell no, I shot him. image

John Shaft II : Damn, you back at having a knife fight?
John Shaft I : Oh hell no, I shot him.


John Shaft Jr. :   He thinks he's a black James Bond.
John Shaft II : If that dude was real, he'd think he was ME. image

John Shaft Jr. : He thinks he's a black James Bond.
John Shaft II : If that dude was real, he'd think he was ME.


John Shaft Jr. : You can't beat up a woman!
John Shaft II : Why not?
John Shaft Jr. : Because she's a woman! That's like, misogynistic!
John Shaft II : You're the one being misogynistic, I never even mentioned her gender! I'm an equal-opportunity ass-whooper!


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