John Quotes

Latest John quotes from Day of the Dead (1985)


John chatacter image

John is played by Terry Alexander in Day of the Dead (1985).


John : Forget it, Billy boy. It's a dead place. Like all the others, you know. Listen. You can hear it over the engine.
McDermott : Jesus, Mary, Joseph!


You want to put some kind of explanation down here before you leave? Here's one as good as any you're likely to find. We're bein' punished by the Creator. He visited a curse on us. So that man could look at... what Hell was like. Maybe He didn't want to see us blow ourselves up, put a big hole in the sky. Maybe He just wanted to show us He's still the Boss Man. Maybe He figure, we was gettin' too big for our britches, tryin' to figure His shit out. image

You want to put some kind of explanation down here before you leave? Here's one as good as any you're likely to find. We're bein' punished by the Creator. He visited a curse on us. So that man could look at... what Hell was like. Maybe He didn't want to see us blow ourselves up, put a big hole in the sky. Maybe He just wanted to show us He's still the Boss Man. Maybe He figure, we was gettin' too big for our britches, tryin' to figure His shit out.


Pvt. Torrez : Hey... you find anything?
John : Yeah. A bunch of real estate for sale at close-out prices!


It takes more energy to keep quiet than it does to speak the mind.


Miller : Another waste of time, huh?
John : Got that right, man.


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