Jof Quotes

Latest Jof quotes from The Seventh Seal


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Jof is played by Nils Poppe in The Seventh Seal.


And the strict lord Death bids them to dance.


Jof: I see them, Mia! I see them! Over there against the dark, stormy sky. They are all there. The smith and Lisa and the knight and Raval and Jöns and Skat. And Death, the severe master, invites them to dance. He tells them to hold each other's hands and then they must tread the dance in a long row. And first goes the master with his scythe and hourglass, but Skat dangles at the end with his lyre. They dance away from the dawn and it's a solemn dance towards the dark lands, while the rain washes their faces and cleans the salt of the tears from their cheeks.
Mia: You with your visions and dreams.


Mia: Who did you see?
Jof: The Virgin Mary.
Mia: Did you really see her?
Jof: She was so close I could have touched her. She wore a golden crown and a blue robe with golden flowers. She was barefoot, and in her little brown hands she was holding the Child and teaching Him to walk. When she saw me, she smiled. My eyes filled with tears, and when I wiped them away, she was gone. And there was a great stillness everywhere, in heaven and on earth. You understand?
Mia: The things you imagine.
Jof: You don't believe me, but it's true. It's not the reality you see, but another kind.


Mia: Don't move. Don't speak.
Jof: I'm as silent as a grave.


Mia: One day is like another. There's nothing strange about that. Summer is better than Winter, of course, because you aren't cold. But, Spring is best of all.
Jof: I wrote a song about Spring. Would you like to hear it?
Mia: Not now, Jof. Our guests may not care for your songs.
Jöns, squire: By all means. I write songs myself.
Jof: You see?
Jöns, squire: I know one about a wanton fish I'm sure you've never heard.


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