Jessie Quotes

Latest Jessie quotes from Toy Story 3


Jessie chatacter image

Jessie is played by Joan Cusack in Toy Story 3.


Buzz! What do we do? image

Buzz! What do we do?


 I should have seen this coming! It's Emily all over again! image

I should have seen this coming! It's Emily all over again!


 Hogtie the mailman! We gotta get you home before Andy leaves tomorrow! image

Hogtie the mailman! We gotta get you home before Andy leaves tomorrow!


Jessie : This isn't a family! It's a prison! You're a liar and a bully and I'd rather rot in this dumpster than join any family of yours!
Barbie : Jessie's right! Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from the threat of force!


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