Jedediah Leland Quotes

Latest Jedediah Leland quotes from Citizen Kane

Jedediah Leland

Jedediah Leland  chatacter image

Jedediah Leland is played by Joseph Cotten in Citizen Kane.


 I can remember everything. That's my curse, young man. It's the greatest curse that's ever been inflicted on the human race: memory. image

I can remember everything. That's my curse, young man. It's the greatest curse that's ever been inflicted on the human race: memory.

You don't care about anything except you. You just want to persuade people that you love 'em so much that they ought to love you back. Only you want love on your own terms. Something to be played your way, according to your rules. image

You don't care about anything except you. You just want to persuade people that you love 'em so much that they ought to love you back. Only you want love on your own terms. Something to be played your way, according to your rules.

I suppose he had some private sort of greatness. But he kept it to himself. He never gave himself away. He never gave anything away. He just left you a tip. image

I suppose he had some private sort of greatness. But he kept it to himself. He never gave himself away. He never gave anything away. He just left you a tip.

That's all he ever wanted out of life... was love. That's the tragedy of Charles Foster Kane. You see, he just didn't have any to give.


I suppose he had a private sort of greatness, but he kept it to himself.


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