Jane Quotes

Latest Jane quotes from Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)


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Jane is played by Paula Patton in Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011).


It was my op. I put him in the field. And she left him just alive enough for me to see him die.


Ethan Hunt : IMF's been looking for an emerging extremist, code name Cobalt. He's determined to detonate a nuclear weapon however he can. We know Moreau's worked for him before.
Jane Carter : What else does IMF know about him?
Ethan Hunt : As much as you do now.


Jane Carter : You mind telling me what you were doing in a Russian prison?
Ethan Hunt : You mind telling me why you broke me out?
Jane Carter : This wasn't a rescue mission?
Ethan Hunt : Let me put it this way. If the Secretary wanted me out of there, it must be pretty bad out here.


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