Hughie Campbell Quotes

Latest Hughie Campbell quotes from The Boys

Hughie Campbell

Hughie Campbell chatacter image

Hughie Campbell is played by Jack Quaid in The Boys.


Okay, let's go fuck the wife. Consensually. image

Okay, let's go fuck the wife. Consensually.

Hughie Campbell: Who is the contact? What is their actual name?
Billy Butcher: You'll love it.
Hughie Campbell: No, I won't. I won't love it, I never love it. Never fucking love it! image

Hughie Campbell: Who is the contact? What is their actual name?
Billy Butcher: You'll love it.
Hughie Campbell: No, I won't. I won't love it, I never love it. Never fucking love it!

Hughie Campbell: I'm not a murderer.
Billy Butcher: That's all right. I am.

Mother's Milk: Who's this guy?
Billy Butcher: The new lad. Hughie. Hughie, Mother's Milk.
Hughie Campbell: That's a... nickname?
Mother's Milk: No, my mother actually named me Mother's Milk.
Hughie Campbell: Did-did she?
Mother's Milk: So we got a French whore and a Stephen fucking Hawking. Great job, Butcher.
Billy Butcher: Well, it was Stephen fucking Hawking who dusted the Supe.

Mother's Milk: This kid needs to be trained up, Butcher.
Hughie Campbell: Yeah. Yeah, what he said. I-I don't know how to blackmail anyone.
Billy Butcher: Hughie, you've done a murder. Comparatively speaking, this will be a piece of cake.

You know, I managed to go my whole life without seeing someone die horribly, and now I'm up to about a half dozen, so I think I'm good.


Hughie Campbell: You came.
Starlight: Like you said, I'm a fucking superhero.


The point is, I can be that person that no one thinks is awesome, but it turns out they're kind of fucking awesome.


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