Huey Lucas Quotes

Latest Huey Lucas quotes from American Gangster

Huey Lucas

Huey Lucas chatacter image

Huey Lucas is played by Chiwetel Ejiofor in American Gangster.


Frank Lucas: What is that you got on?
Huey Lucas: What? This?
Frank Lucas: Yeah, that.
Huey Lucas: This is a very, very, very nice suit.
Frank Lucas: That's a very, very, very nice suit, huh?
Huey Lucas: Yeah.
Frank Lucas: That's a clown suit. That's a costume, with a big sign on it that says "Arrest me". You understand? You're too loud, you're making too much noise. Listen to me, the loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room.

Redtop: What's the matter? Ain't you niggas never seen naked coochie before?
Huey Lucas: Why they all naked?
Frank Lucas: So they can't steal nothin'.

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