Hockney Quotes

Latest Hockney quotes from The Usual Suspects


Hockney chatacter image

Hockney is played by Kevin Pollak in The Usual Suspects.


Interrogation Cop: You know what happens if you do another turn in the joint?
Hockney: Fuck your father in the shower and then have a snack? Are you going to charge me dickhead? image

Interrogation Cop: You know what happens if you do another turn in the joint?
Hockney: Fuck your father in the shower and then have a snack? Are you going to charge me dickhead?


You want a buckshot shampoo chubby? image

You want a buckshot shampoo chubby?


Hockney: What about it, pretzel man? What's your story?
Keaton: His name's Verbal. Verbal Kint.
McManus: Verbal?
Keaton: Yeah.
Verbal: 'Roger', really. People say I talk too much.
Hockney: Yeah, I was just gonna tell you to shut up. image

Hockney: What about it, pretzel man? What's your story?
Keaton: His name's Verbal. Verbal Kint.
McManus: Verbal?
Keaton: Yeah.
Verbal: 'Roger', really. People say I talk too much.
Hockney: Yeah, I was just gonna tell you to shut up.


Strausz: Do you guys know who the fuck I am? Do you know who the fuck I am?
Hockney: We do now, jerk-off. image

Strausz: Do you guys know who the fuck I am? Do you know who the fuck I am?
Hockney: We do now, jerk-off.


Sre you sure you brought enough guys? image

Sre you sure you brought enough guys?


Fenster: You do some time, they never let you go. They treat me like a criminal. I'll end up a criminal.
Hockney: You are a criminal.
Fenster: Why you gotta go and do that? I'm trying to make a point.


Interrogation Cop: I can put you in Queens on the night of the hijacking.
Hockney: Really? I live in Queens. Did you put that together yourself, Einstein? What, do you got a team of monkeys working around the clock on this?


Fenster: Man, I had a finger up my asshole tonight.
Hockney: Is it Friday already?


What about it, pretzel man, what's your story?


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