Hobbs Quotes

Latest Hobbs quotes from The Fate of the Furious (2017)


Hobbs chatacter image

Hobbs is played by Dwayne Johnson in The Fate of the Furious (2017).


 I will beat you like a Cherokee drum. image

I will beat you like a Cherokee drum.


 Why are you always yelling image

Why are you always yelling


Miller : Hobbs! I've been waiting along time for this!
Hobbs : Keep waiting, bitch.


Yo, shrinkage! We've got a sub to catch. Get in! image

Yo, shrinkage! We've got a sub to catch. Get in!


Roman Pearce : Is that a torpedo?
Hobbs : Take the wheel!
Roman Pearce : What?


What's it gonna be? You're gonna close your eyes on World War III or you're gonna saddle up and save the entire damn world.


Mr. Nobody : He's still green.
Hobbs : Yeah, like fresh baby shit.


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