Hendley Quotes

Latest Hendley quotes from The Great Escape


Hendley chatacter image

Hendley is played by James Garner in The Great Escape.


Hendley 'The Scrounger':  You know what that is?
Blythe 'The Forger': I'll tell you what it isn't. It isn't Napoleon Brandy... . image

Hendley 'The Scrounger': You know what that is?
Blythe 'The Forger': I'll tell you what it isn't. It isn't Napoleon Brandy... .


Hilts:  Wow!
Hendley:  Wow!
Goff:  ... wow... image

Hilts: Wow!
Hendley: Wow!
Goff: ... wow...


Colin's not a blind man as long as he's with me. And he's going with me! image

Colin's not a blind man as long as he's with me. And he's going with me!


Ramsey: Roger's idea was to get back at the enemy the hardest way he could, mess up the works. From what we've heard here, I think he did exactly that.
Hendley: Do you think it was worth the price?
Ramsey: Depends on your point of view, Hendley.


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