Minister Rufus Scrimgeour Quotes

Latest Minister Rufus Scrimgeour quotes from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)

Minister Rufus Scrimgeour

Minister Rufus Scrimgeour chatacter image

Minister Rufus Scrimgeour is played by Bill Nighy in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010).


These are dark times, there is no denying. Our world has faced no greater threat than it does today, but you can't fight this war on your own, Mr. Potter... he's too strong. image

These are dark times, there is no denying. Our world has faced no greater threat than it does today, but you can't fight this war on your own, Mr. Potter... he's too strong.

These are dark times, there is no denying. Our world has perhaps faced no greater threat than it does today. But I say this to our citizenry: We, ever your servants, will continue to defend your liberty and repel the forces that seek to take it from you! Your Ministry remains strong.

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