Harry Osborn Quotes

Latest Harry Osborn quotes from Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Harry Osborn

Harry Osborn chatacter image

Harry Osborn is played by James Franco in Spider-Man 2 (2004).


He humiliated me by touching me.


 I'm ruined! I have nothing left - except Spider-Man... image

I'm ruined! I have nothing left - except Spider-Man...


 This doesn't change anything. image

This doesn't change anything.


Harry Osborn : Hello?
Harry Osborn : ...?
Green Goblin : Son...
Green Goblin : I'm here.
Harry Osborn : Dad? I thought you were...
Green Goblin : No. I'm alive in you, Harry. You swore to make Spider-Man pay... now make him pay.
Harry Osborn : But Pete's my best friend!
Green Goblin : And I'm your father. You're weak. You were always weak and you will always be weak until you take control!
Green Goblin : Now you know the truth about Peter. Be stong Harry. Avenge me.
Harry Osborn : No...
Green Goblin : AVENGE ME!
Harry Osborn : NO!


Harry Osborn : He's my best friend!
Green Goblin : And I'm your father!


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