Gustav Graves Quotes

Latest Gustav Graves quotes from Die Another Day 2002

Gustav Graves

Gustav Graves chatacter image

Gustav Graves is played by Toby Stephens in Die Another Day 2002.


The pleasure of the kill is in the chase. image

The pleasure of the kill is in the chase.


Since you've upped the stakes, let's up the weapons, shall we? Let's do this the old-fashioned way - first blood drawn from the torso! image

Since you've upped the stakes, let's up the weapons, shall we? Let's do this the old-fashioned way - first blood drawn from the torso!


You only get one shot at life. Why waste it on sleep? image

You only get one shot at life. Why waste it on sleep?


You're a rare challenge, Mr. Bond. image

You're a rare challenge, Mr. Bond.


Time to draw the line.Gustav Graves : Care to place a bet, Verity?
Verity : No, thanks. I don't like cockfights. image

Time to draw the line.Gustav Graves : Care to place a bet, Verity?
Verity : No, thanks. I don't like cockfights.


What a wonderful day to become a knight.


Reporter : After an entrance like that you can't be surprised you've been called a self-publicizing adrenaline junkie, can you?
Gustav Graves : I prefer the term adventurer.


You have no idea how much Icarus is about to change your world.


Armed and very dangerous.


Reporter : Are you going to try out for the British fencing team? We hear you have been training furiously.
Gustav Graves : I never get furious. As we say in fencing, "What's the point?"


Come father, watch the rising of your son.


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