Gill Quotes

Latest Gill quotes from Finding Nemo (2003)


Gill chatacter image

Gill is played by Willem Dafoe in Finding Nemo (2003).


 All drains lead to the ocean. image

All drains lead to the ocean.


To the top of Mount Wanna-hock-a-loogie! image

To the top of Mount Wanna-hock-a-loogie!


Fish aren't meant to be in a box, kid. It does things to them. image

Fish aren't meant to be in a box, kid. It does things to them.


Gill : All right, gang, we have less than 48 hours before Darla gets here. This tank will get plenty dirty in that time, but we have to help it along any way we can. Jacques.
Jacques : Oui.
Gill : No cleaning.
Jacques : I shall resist.
Gill : Everybody else, be as gross as possible. Think dirty thoughts. We're gonna make this tank so filthy the dentist will HAVE to clean it.
Gill : Good work.


Gill : Look at that. Would you look at that? Filthy. Absolutely filthy. And it's all thanks to you, kid. You made it possible. Jacques! I told you not to clean!
Jacques : I am ashamed.


Bloat : Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Gill : We did it!
Bloat : Now what?


All drains lead to the ocean.


To the top of Mount Wanna-hock-a-loogie!


Fish aren't meant to be in a box, kid. It does things to them.


Gill : Look at that. Would you look at that? Filthy. Absolutely filthy. And it's all thanks to you, kid. You made it possible. Jacques! I told you not to clean!
Jacques : I am ashamed.


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