Franck Dotzler Quotes

Latest Franck Dotzler quotes from Taken 3

Franck Dotzler

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Franck Dotzler is played by Forest Whitaker in Taken 3.


Bernie : You want me to put a tail on him?
Franck Dotzler : No, it's a waste of time. They always fumble them. These guys could lose a tail if it was attached to a dog. We're done. image

Bernie : You want me to put a tail on him?
Franck Dotzler : No, it's a waste of time. They always fumble them. These guys could lose a tail if it was attached to a dog. We're done.

Franck Dotzler : Dotzler.
Cop Brooks : I found out something you might wanna know. Matching insurance policies on St. John and his wife. $12 million... each. How about that?


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