Eve Kendall Quotes

Latest Eve Kendall quotes from North by Northwest

Eve Kendall

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Eve Kendall is played by Eva Marie Saint in North by Northwest.


Roger Thornhill: When I was a little boy, I wouldn't even let my mother undress me.
Eve Kendall: Well, you're a big boy now.

Roger Thornhill: Tell me, why are you so good to me?
Eve Kendall: Shall I climb up and tell you why?
Eve Kendall: You've got taste in clothes, taste in food.
Roger Thornhill: Hmm, And taste in women. I like your flavor.
Roger Thornhill: Come along, Mrs. Thornhill!
Eve Kendall: Roger, this is silly.
Roger Thornhill: I know, but I'm sentimental.

Roger Thornhill: Jack Philips, manager for Kingby Electronics.
Eve Kendall: No, you're not, you're Roger Thornhill of Madison Avenue, and you're wanted for murder on every front page in America. Don't be modest.

Eve Kendall: How do I know you aren't a murderer?
Roger Thornhill: You don't.
Eve Kendall: Maybe you're planning to murder me right here, tonight.
Roger Thornhill: Shall I?
Eve Kendall: Please do.

Eve Kendall: Patience is a virtue.
Roger Thornhill: So is breathing.

Eve Kendall: While I'm calling, you can change your clothes.
Roger Thornhill: Where do you propose I do that? In Marshall Fields' window?
Eve Kendall: I sort of had the men's room in mind.
Roger Thornhill: Did you, now? You're the smartest girl I ever spent the night with on a train.

Roger Thornhill: Now, what can a man do with his clothes off for twenty minutes? Couldn't he have taken an hour?
Eve Kendall: You could always take a cold shower.

Roger Thornhill: How does a girl like you get to be a girl like you?
Eve Kendall: Lucky, I guess.

Eve Kendall: I want you to do a favor for me. A big, big favor.
Roger Thornhill: Name it.
Eve Kendall: I want you to leave right now, stay far away from me, and don't come near me again. We're not going to get involved. Last night was last night, and it's all there was, and it's all there is. There isn't going to be anything more between us. So please. Goodbye, good luck, no conversation, just leave.

Eve Kendall: What happened with your first two marriages?
Roger Thornhill: My wives divorced me.
Eve Kendall: Why?
Roger Thornhill: They said I led too dull a life.

Roger Thornhill: When we get out of this, you can ride the train with me again.
Eve Kendall: Is that a proposition?
Roger Thornhill: It's a proposal, sweetie!
Roger Thornhill: it's something about my face.
Eve Kendall: It's a nice face.
Roger Thornhill: You think so?
Eve Kendall: I wouldn't say it if I didn't.
Roger Thornhill: Oh, you're that type.
Eve Kendall: What type?
Roger Thornhill: Honest.

Roger Thornhill: What's wrong with men like me?
Eve Kendall: They don't believe in marriage.
Roger Thornhill: I've been married twice.
Eve Kendall: See what I mean?

Eve Kendall: Roger O. Thornhill. What does the O stand for?
Roger Thornhill: Nothing.

Eve Kendall: I tipped the steward five dollars to seat you here if you should come in.
Roger Thornhill: Is that a proposition?
Eve Kendall: I never discuss love on an empty stomach.
Roger Thornhill: You've already eaten!
Eve Kendall: But you haven't.

Eve Kendall: It's going to be a long night.
Roger Thornhill: True.
Eve Kendall: And I don't particularly like the book I've started.
Roger Thornhill: Ah.
Eve Kendall: You know what I mean?
Roger Thornhill: Ah, let me think. Yes, I know exactly what you mean.

Roger Thornhill: The moment I meet an attractive woman, I have to start pretending I have no desire to make love to her.
Eve Kendall: What makes you think you have to conceal it?
Roger Thornhill: She might find the idea objectionable.
Eve Kendall: Then again, she might not.

Eve Kendall: I'm a big girl.
Roger Thornhill: Yeah, and in all the right places, too.

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