Ethan Hunt Quotes

Latest Ethan Hunt quotes from Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)

Ethan Hunt

Ethan Hunt chatacter image

Ethan Hunt is played by Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015).


Desperate times, desperate measures. image

Desperate times, desperate measures.


Gentlemen, this is Solomon Lane. Mr. Lane, meet the IMF. image

Gentlemen, this is Solomon Lane. Mr. Lane, meet the IMF.


We've never met before, right? image

We've never met before, right?


Record Shop Girl : We're about to close.
Ethan Hunt : I won't be long.
Record Shop Girl : Are you looking for anything in particular?
Ethan Hunt : Something rare.
Record Shop Girl : Let me guess... Classical?
Ethan Hunt : Jazz.
Record Shop Girl : Sax?
Ethan Hunt : Coltrane.
Record Shop Girl : Piano?
Ethan Hunt : Monk.
Record Shop Girl : Shadow Wilson on bass.
Ethan Hunt : Shadow Wilson played drums.
Record Shop Girl : Know why... they call him Shadow?
Ethan Hunt : Because he had a light touch.
Record Shop Girl : You're in luck. I have a first pressing.


You lost your faith in what you were doing of course naturally you blamed the system.


I know you, Lane. Somewhere along the line you had a crisis of faith. Human life didn't matter anymore, or maybe it never really did. Either way, you killed too many innocent people without ever asking who was giving the orders or why. You blamed the system for what you are, instead of yourself. You wanted revenge, but Rome wasn't destroyed in a day. You needed help, you needed the money, a lot of it. And you'll stop at nothing to get it. That's how I know I'm going to put you in a box.


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