Ernesto de la Cruz Quotes

Latest Ernesto de la Cruz quotes from Coco (2017)

Ernesto de la Cruz

Ernesto de la Cruz chatacter image

Ernesto de la Cruz is The idol of Miguel and a super star singer.

Ernesto de la Cruz is played by Benjamin Bratt in Coco (2017).


The feeling, so close, you can reach out and touch it. I never knew I could want something so much, but it’s true. image

The feeling, so close, you can reach out and touch it. I never knew I could want something so much, but it’s true.

I have to sing, I have to play. The music, it’s not just in *me*, it *is* me. When life gets me down, I play my guitar. The rest of the world may follow the rules, but I must follow my heart. You know that feeling, like there’s a song in the air and it’s playing just for you. I hope you like it.

I have to sing. It's not just IN me... It IS Me. image

I have to sing. It's not just IN me... It IS Me.

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