I have to sing. It's not just IN me... It IS Me.
Coco Trailer (Ernesto saying I have to sing)
Read more Ernesto de la Cruz QuotesFrom: Coco
Abuelita: "Día de Muertos" has begun, it is the one night of the year our ancestors can come visit us.Miguel: I thought it might have been one of those made up things.Miguel: I was just…Abuelita: Shhhh.Miguel: But…Abuelita: Tonight is about family.
Ernesto de la Cruz: I have to sing. It's not just IN me... It IS Me.
Some Old Man: Alright, who’s in there?Miguel: I am sorry. What is going on?[people keep going through Miguel as if he doesn’t exist]Miguel: I’m just dreaming.Skeletal Head: Do you mind?