Eric Lensherr Quotes

Latest Eric Lensherr quotes from X-Men (2000)

Eric Lensherr

Eric Lensherr chatacter image

Eric Lensherr is played by Ian McKellen in X-Men (2000).


 Toad has a wicked tongue, Senator. Just like you. image

Toad has a wicked tongue, Senator. Just like you.


Welcome to the future. image

Welcome to the future.


Young people. image

Young people.


How are we feeling, Senator? Advanced, I hope! image

How are we feeling, Senator? Advanced, I hope!


Senator Kelly : What'd you do with Henry? image

Senator Kelly : What'd you do with Henry?


Magneto :  I am so sorry... image

Magneto : I am so sorry...


Magneto : Magnificent, isn't she?
Rogue : I've seen it.
Magneto : I first saw her in 1949. America was going to be the land of tolerance. Peace.
Rogue : Are you going to kill me?
Magneto : Yes.
Rogue : Why?
Magneto : Because there is no land of tolerance. There is no peace. Not here, or anywhere else.


Magneto : Are you a God-fearing man, Senator? That is such a strange phrase. I've always thought of God as a teacher; a bringer of light, wisdom, and understanding. You see, I think what you really fear is me. Me and my kind. The Brotherhood of Mutants. Oh, it's not so surprising really. Mankind has always feared what it doesn't understand. Well, don't fear God, Senator, and certainly don't fear me. Not any more.
Senator Kelly : What are you going to do?
Magneto : Let's just say, God works too slow. image

Magneto : Are you a God-fearing man, Senator? That is such a strange phrase. I've always thought of God as a teacher; a bringer of light, wisdom, and understanding. You see, I think what you really fear is me. Me and my kind. The Brotherhood of Mutants. Oh, it's not so surprising really. Mankind has always feared what it doesn't understand. Well, don't fear God, Senator, and certainly don't fear me. Not any more.
Senator Kelly : What are you going to do?
Magneto : Let's just say, God works too slow.


Senator Kelly : What are you going to do?
Magneto : Let's just say God works too slow.


Magneto : What happended?
Sabretooth : They knew.
Magneto : Charles!
Magneto :Where's the mutant now?
Sabretooth : With them.


Senator Kelly : What the hell have you done to me?
Magneto : Senator, this is pointless. Where would you go? Who would take you in now that your one of us? image

Senator Kelly : What the hell have you done to me?
Magneto : Senator, this is pointless. Where would you go? Who would take you in now that your one of us?


Magneto : Your aide, Mr. Gyrich, has been dead for some time, senator. I've had Mystique here keep you company. She takes so many shapes.


Magneto : Ah, my brothers, welcome.
Magneto : And you, let's point those claws of your in the safer direction.



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