Elliot Carver Quotes

Latest Elliot Carver quotes from Tomorrow Never Dies 1997

Elliot Carver

Elliot Carver chatacter image

Elliot Carver is played by Jonathan Pryce in Tomorrow Never Dies 1997.


The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success. image

The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.


Soon I'll have reached out to and influenced more people than anybody in the history of this planet, save God himself. And the best he ever managed was the Sermon on the Mount. image

Soon I'll have reached out to and influenced more people than anybody in the history of this planet, save God himself. And the best he ever managed was the Sermon on the Mount.


 I rather like the last one. It isn't even mine. image

I rather like the last one. It isn't even mine.


When I was sixteen, I went to work for a newspaper in Hong Kong. It was a rag, but the editor taught me one important lesson. The key to a great story is not who, or what, or when, but why.


Fire one missile at the flagship of each fleet. The Chinese will think the British are rattling the saber. The British will think the Chinese are being belligerent. And the media will provide cool, objective coverage. - Let the mayhem begin.


What the hell do I pay you for! If she's there, Bond is there. Stamper, find them


Even if they were looking for me, we're on a stealth boat! They can't see me. Or, you. Or, even - your friend, the late Commander Bond. Who is on leave at this moment on his way to the bottom of the South China Sea. He's my new anchor man!


Words are the new weapons, satellites the new artillery.


Ah, Miss Lin! Your countrymen are being so cooperative, so predictably eager to save face.


Mr Stamper, would you please kill those bastards!


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