Doc Ock Quotes
Latest Doc Ock quotes from Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Doc Ock : My Rosie's dead. My dream is dead.
Doc Ock : And these... monstrous things should be at the bottom of the river... along with me.
Doc Ock : Something... in my head. Something talking... The inhibitor chip!
Doc Ock : Gone.
Doc Ock : Rebuild? No. Peter was right. I miscalculated.
Doc Ock : [Ock whirls, madness setting in] I couldn't have miscalculated. It was working, wasn't it?
Doc Ock : Yes. We can rebuild. Enlarge the containment field. Make it bigger and stronger than ever! But we need money.
Doc Ock : Steal it? No, no, no, I'm not a criminal.
Doc Ock : That's right... the real crime would be not to finish what we started.
Doc Ock : We'll do it here. The power of the sun in the palm of my hand.
Doc Ock : Nothing will stand in our way! NOTHING!
Rosalie Octavius : You need to sleep soundly tonight.
Dr. Otto Octavius : Did Edison sleep before he turned on the light bulb? Did Marconi sleep before he turned on the radio? Did Beethoven sleep before he wrote the fifth?
Peter Parker : Did Bernoulli sleep before he found the curves of quickest descent?
Dr. Otto Octavius : Ahhh, Rosie, I love this boy.
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