Detective Park Doo-man Quotes

Latest Detective Park Doo-man quotes from Memories of Murder

Detective Park Doo-man

Detective Park Doo-man chatacter image

Detective Park Doo-man is played by Kang-ho Song in Memories of Murder.


Once this dries, the stain will form the shape of the murderer's face.

Man in Morgue: There's something in the vagina... Looks like a peach... Nine pieces.
Detective Park Doo-Man: Do you see this kind of thing in Seoul often? image

Man in Morgue: There's something in the vagina... Looks like a peach... Nine pieces.
Detective Park Doo-Man: Do you see this kind of thing in Seoul often?

There's a reason people say I have a shaman's eyes.

Do you get up each morning too? image

Do you get up each morning too?

Chief, I may know nothing else, but my eyes can read people. That's how I survive as a detective, and why people say I have shaman's eyes.

What kind of detective sleeps well?

Fuck, I don't know.

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