Cliff Booth Quotes

Latest Cliff Booth quotes from Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood (2019)

Cliff Booth

Cliff Booth chatacter image

Cliff Booth is played by Brad Pitt in Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood (2019).


Cliff Booth : Oh, I know you. I know all three of you! Yeah, Spahn Ranch! Spahn Ranch, yeah! Woo!
Cliff Booth : I don't know your name, but I remember that hair.
Cliff Booth : And you, I remember your white little face.
Cliff Booth : And you were on a horsey! Yeah... you are?
Tex : I'm the Devil. And I'm here to do the Devil's business.
Cliff Booth : ...Nah, it was dumber than that. Something like Rex.
Sadie : God, shoot him, Tex!
Cliff Booth : Tex!


And away we go. image

And away we go.


Pussycat : This was a mistake; you should leave.
Cliff Booth : Way ahead of you. image

Pussycat : This was a mistake; you should leave.
Cliff Booth : Way ahead of you.


 Don't cry in front of the Mexicans. image

Don't cry in front of the Mexicans.


Cliff Booth : You are real, right?
Tex : I'm as real as a donut, motherfucker.


Hey! You're Rick fucking Dalton. Don't you forget it. image

Hey! You're Rick fucking Dalton. Don't you forget it.


All the streets are silent... except when Rick Dalton's got a fucking shotgun, I'll tell you that.


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