Chuckie Quotes

Latest Chuckie quotes from Good Will Hunting


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Chuckie is played by Ben Affleck in Good Will Hunting.


Chuckie: I didn't get on Cathy last night.
Will: No?
Chuckie: Nah.
Will: Why not?
Chuckie: I don't know.
Chuckie: Cathy!
Cathy: What?
Chuckie: Why didn't you give me none of that nasty little hoochie-woochie you usually throw at me?
Cathy: Oh, fuck you and your Irish curse, Chuckie. Like I'd waste my energy spreading my legs for that Tootsie Roll dick? So go home and give it a tug yourself.


You're suspect! Yeah, you! I don't know what your reputation is in this town, but after the shit you tried to pull today you can bet I'll be looking into you. Now the business we have, heretofore, you can speak with my aforementioned attorney. Good day, gentlemen; and until that day comes, keep your ear to the grindstone.


Chuckie: Morgan, I'm not going to Kelly's just because you like the takeout girl. It's 15 minutes out of our way.
Morgan: What the fuck are we gonna do that we can't spare 15 minutes?


Chuckie: Wait, Bill. Hold it. Did you hear that?
Chuckie: Morgan! If you're watching pornos in my mom's room again, I'm gonna give you a fucking beating!
Morgan: What's up, fellas?
Billy: Morgan, why don't you jerk off in your own fucking house? Man, that's fucking filthy.
Morgan: I ain't got a VCR in my house.
Chuckie: Aw, c'mon, not on my glove.
Morgan: I didn't use the glove.
Chuckie: That's my Little League glove.
Morgan: What do you want me to do?
Chuckie: I mean, what's wrong with you? You'll hump a baseball glove?
Morgan: I was just using it for cleanup.
Chuckie: Stop jerking off in my mother's room!
Morgan: Ain't there another VCR in the house?
Chuckie: It's just sad, bro.


Chuckie: Morgan, I'm not going to Kelly's just because you like the takeout girl. It's 15 minutes out of our way.
Morgan: What the fuck are we gonna do that we can't spare 15 minutes?


You're suspect! Yeah, you! I don't know what your reputation is in this town, but after the shit you tried to pull today you can bet I'll be looking into you. Now the business we have, heretofore, you can speak with my aforementioned attorney. Good day, gentlemen; and until that day comes, keep your ear to the grindstone.


Chuckie: I didn't get on Cathy last night.
Will: No?
Chuckie: Nah.
Will: Why not?
Chuckie: I don't know.
Chuckie: Cathy!
Cathy: What?
Chuckie: Why didn't you give me none of that nasty little hoochie-woochie you usually throw at me?
Cathy: Oh, fuck you and your Irish curse, Chuckie. Like I'd waste my energy spreading my legs for that Tootsie Roll dick? So go home and give it a tug yourself.


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