Carla Quotes

Latest Carla quotes from Bad Moms


Carla chatacter image

Carla is played by Kathryn Hahn in Bad Moms.


Oh, hey, I know you. You're that chick that always picks up my kid from school when I forget-slash-don't want to. image

Oh, hey, I know you. You're that chick that always picks up my kid from school when I forget-slash-don't want to.


 My kid still watches Sesame Street and he doesn't get it. image

My kid still watches Sesame Street and he doesn't get it.


Carla : Hey, Jaxon. I made you lunch today. It's some humus wrap with some kale.
Jaxon : Gross!
Carla : Yeah, I know, it sounds totally disgusting, but it's supposed to be good for you, so... And I'm gonna come to your baseball game tomorrow night.
Jaxon : For real?
Carla : I'm gonna stay the whole stupid game. Mmm-hmm. Because... I love you, and stuff. Still cannot believe I pushed that thing outta my chooch.


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