Captain James T. Kirk Quotes

Latest Captain James T. Kirk quotes from Star Trek Beyond

Captain James T. Kirk

Captain James T. Kirk chatacter image

Captain James T. Kirk is played by Chris Pine in Star Trek Beyond.


 There's no such thing as the unknown, only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood. image

There's no such thing as the unknown, only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood.

To the Enterprise... and to absent friends. image

To the Enterprise... and to absent friends.

 It's a good choice. image

It's a good choice.

Captain James T. Kirk : Mr. Sulu... You can... you know... fly this thing, right?
Sulu : You kidding me, sir?
Captain James T. Kirk : Fantastic.

Captain's Log, Stardate 2263.2. Today is our 966th day in deep space, a little under three years into our five year mission. The more time we spend out here, the harder it is to tell where one day ends and the next one begins. It can be a challenge to feel grounded when even the gravity is artificial. But, well, we do what we can to make it feel like home. The crew, as always, continues to act admirably despite the rigors of our extended stay here in outer space. And the personal sacrifices they have made. We continue to search for new lifeforms in order to establish firm diplomatic ties. Our extended time in uncharted territory has stretched the ship's mechanical capacities. But fortunately our engineering department, led by Mr. Scott, is more than up to the job. The ship aside, prolong cohabitation has definitely had effects on interpersonal dynamics. Some experiences for the better, and some for the worse. As for me, things have started to feel... a little... episodic. The farther out we go, the more I find myself wondering what it is we're trying to accomplish. But if the universe is truly endless, then are we not striving for something forever out of reach? The Enterprise is scheduled for reprovisioning stop at Yorktown, the Federation's newest and most advanced starbase. Perhaps a break from routine will offer up some respite from the mysteries of the unknown.

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