Calvin Candie Quotes

Latest Calvin Candie quotes from Django Unchained

Calvin Candie

Calvin Candie chatacter image

Calvin Candie is played by Leonardo DiCaprio in Django Unchained.


He is a rambunctious sort, ain't he?

Calvin Candie: I've heard tell about you. I heard you been telling everybody them mandingos ain't no damn good, ain't nothing nobody is selling is worth buying - I'm curious. What makes you such a mandingo expert?
Django: I'm curious what makes you so curious. image

Calvin Candie: I've heard tell about you. I heard you been telling everybody them mandingos ain't no damn good, ain't nothing nobody is selling is worth buying - I'm curious. What makes you such a mandingo expert?
Django: I'm curious what makes you so curious.


Come on over. We got us a fight going on that's a good bit of fun.


Everybody stop antagonizing my guest.


Django, and his friend in gray here, Dr. Schultz, are customers. And they are our guests, Stephen, and you, you old decrepit bastard are to show them every hospitality. You understand that?


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