Caitlin Snow Quotes

Latest Caitlin Snow quotes from The Flash

Caitlin Snow

Caitlin Snow chatacter image

Caitlin Snow is played by Danielle Panabaker in The Flash.


Caitlin Snow: Trigeminal headache?
Cisco Ramon: What?
Caitlin Snow: Trigeminal headache. Brain freeze.
Cisco Ramon: Then why don't you just call it a brain freeze?

Caitlin Snow: I thought throwing things was *Harry's* preferred method of dealing with stress.
Cisco Ramon: That is how frustrated I am right now. I'm... just running out of ideas as to how to make this work. Where's Barry? I need a taste of that "walking on sunshine" thing he's got goin' on right now.

Cisco Ramon: Dear God! Caitlin, your hands are freezing.
Caitlin Snow: Caitlin. I've always hated that name.
Cisco Ramon: Oh, no. No, no, no. It's starting. You're starting to become...
Caitlin Snow: Killer Frost?
Cisco Ramon: That ain't right. That ain't right. That's just rude. Who put you up to this? Barry put you up to this, didn't he? Oh, I shoulda known you two were...
Caitlin Snow: Cold?
Cisco Ramon: Yeah.
Caitlin Snow: You deserve it for thinking that I could ever become like her.

Caitlin Snow: What if I came with you?
Cisco Ramon: What? Seriously?
Caitlin Snow: Absolutely. You've done so much for me. Let me be there for you for a change. And I can look at old family photo albums and see what little Cisco looks like without long hair.
Cisco Ramon: I'm rescinding your invite.

Jay Garrick: What's Christmas?
Caitlin Snow: Oh, well, it's this holiday we have where we cut down trees and sing songs to celebrate the birth of a baby 2,000 years ago, and then the Romans killed him, so we give each other gifts...
Cisco Ramon: That's tour explanation?
Jay Garrick: I know what Christmas is.
Caitlin Snow: Oh, right, of course. Um, you know, Joe and Barry and Iris are having people over for Christmas Eve, and they said we could invite whoever we want.
Jay Garrick: Who... who do you want?
Caitlin Snow: You. I want to invite you, I mean.
Cisco Ramon: This is so painful.

Cisco Ramon: I think we found the next target for our thirty-something, meta-human, not-a-Ninja-Turtle.
Caitlin Snow: How long did it take you to come up with that one?
Cisco Ramon: It just came out of my mouth - did you see that? That was amazing.

Wells with a sense of humor. That's new. image

Wells with a sense of humor. That's new.


Let's dance, cricket face. image

Let's dance, cricket face.


Barry Allen: But you guys have never even mentioned his name.
Caitlin Snow: That's because Hartley had a... challenging personality.
Cisco Ramon: Which she means is he was mostly a jerk, but, every once in a while, he could be a dick.

Caitlin Snow: I had Ronnie, then I lost him, then I found him again, but he wasn't actually Ronnie, then I got him back, but just for a day, until I lost him again.
Cisco Ramon: You guys are like ten seasons of Ross and Rachel, but just, like, smushed into one year.

Cisco Ramon: Talking in the third person. That's never a good sign.
Caitlin Snow: You're just mad because he named himself.
Joe West: Actually, he didn't. Twenty years ago, Central City was hit by a series of terrorist attacks. One man killed at least ten civilians, two cops. That guy called himself The Trickster.
Cisco Ramon: Whoa. Someone was rockin' the unitard.
Caitlin Snow: James Jesse?
Joe West: Like Jesse James, only more twisted.


Cisco Ramon: "Flash missing. Vanishes in crisis."
Barry Allen: "After an epic street battle with The Reverse-Flash, our city's very own Scarlet Speedster disappeared in an explosion of light."
Caitlin Snow: Barry, look at the date.
Barry Allen: April 25, 2024. Guys, w-when I fought The Reverse-Flash at Christmas, he said that we'd be fighting for centuries.
Caitlin Snow: Wait, you can't really think that this is from... the future.
Cisco Ramon: That would mean Dr. Wells, whoever he is, is also...
Barry Allen: From the future.
Cisco Ramon: I have to say, I'm really digging the brighter red suit. And the white on the symbol? That's dope. Wait a second. Suppose we now change the color on your suit. Will it be because we got the idea from this picture? That would mean we're living in a causal nexus. This - wow - this is so trippy, like, Marty and the Polaroid trippy.
Caitlin Snow: Not as trippy as the name on the byline.
Barry Allen: Iris West-Allen?
Cisco Ramon: Mazel tov?


You carry a handkerchief now? What are you, eighty? image

You carry a handkerchief now? What are you, eighty?


Cisco Ramon: It's not Zoom. It's me.
Barry Allen: What do you mean it's you?
Cisco Ramon: It's like right now I'm Anakin Skywalker. I got the midi-chlorians. I've got the goods. The force is strong with me. That is something I can feel, but if I start opening breaches into other worlds, doing all this other crazy stuff Reverb was doing, then... what if this is how I become Vader?
Barry Allen: Dude, you're never gonna become Vader.
Cisco Ramon: You don't know that. That is what happened to Reverb. He learned how to use his abilities, and when he felt that, when he felt that power, he succumbed... to the dark side.

That was cold, Flash. But this is colder. image

That was cold, Flash. But this is colder.


Guys, I got eyes on Gauss! He's fast for a non-speedster! image

Guys, I got eyes on Gauss! He's fast for a non-speedster!


Nash needs help, not maiming. image

Nash needs help, not maiming.


Barry Allen: I just noticed you don't smile too much.
Caitlin Snow: My once promising career in bioengineering is over, my boss is in a wheelchair for life, the explosion that put you in a coma also killed my fiancé; so, this blank expression kind of feels like the way to go.

Caitlin Snow: It looks like you had a distal radius fracture.
Barry Allen: Had?
Caitlin Snow: It's healed. In three hours.
Barry Allen: How is that even possible?
Caitlin Snow: We don't know. Yet.
Cisco Ramon: You really need to learn how to stop.

Barry Allen: I just noticed you don't smile too much.
Caitlin Snow: My once promising career in bioengineering is over, my boss is in a wheelchair for life, the explosion that put you in a coma also killed my fiancé; so, this blank expression kind of feels like the way to go.

Caitlin Snow: It looks like you had a distal radius fracture.
Barry Allen: Had?
Caitlin Snow: It's healed. In three hours.
Barry Allen: How is that even possible?
Caitlin Snow: We don't know. Yet.
Cisco Ramon: You really need to learn how to stop.

You of all people should know that in Science We Share! We Do NOT Keep Secrets.


Caitlin Snow: He saved so many lives that day, and no one will ever know what he did.
Barry Allen: I do. He was a hero.
Caitlin Snow: I didn't want him to be a hero. I wanted him to be my husband.

You can walk on water. Puts you in pretty interesting company.


Cisco Ramon: Let's adjust the impact angle by 2 degrees, up the speed to 838.
Cisco Ramon: Bam.
Cisco Ramon: Ouch.
Caitlin Snow: Ouch?

Mick Rory: You're a friend of his, huh? He's fast... like fire. Fire, it's undefinable. Heat, light, energy. It's an evolution when things burn.
Caitlin Snow: You're sick.
Mick Rory: Maybe you're the sick ones. You ever think about that?
Caitlin Snow: Not really.
Mick Rory: Mm.
Caitlin Snow: You got third-degree burns. Why didn't you get skin grafts?
Mick Rory: The fire revealed my true self, showed me who I really am. I wonder what the Flash will reveal when I burn his suit and skin off.
Caitlin Snow: Do whatever you want to me, but leave him alone.
Mick Rory: Ooo, okay. You and this Flash must be really close if you're willing to die for him, hmm?
Mick Rory: You want me to show him who you really are? That'd be fun, hm? Show you who you... really are.


I've already lost Ronnie once. I'm not gonna do it again. You said we have a couple hours. USE them. image

I've already lost Ronnie once. I'm not gonna do it again. You said we have a couple hours. USE them.


Caitlin Snow: I had Ronnie, then I lost him, then I found him again, but he wasn't actually Ronnie, then I got him back, but just for a day, until I lost him again.
Cisco Ramon: You guys are like ten seasons of Ross and Rachel, but just, like, smushed into one year.


Caitlin Snow: This isn't possible.
Cisco Ramon: Caitlin, I ran the DNA test twice. It's a perfect match.
Joe West: This body is the real Harrison Wells.
Caitlin Snow: If this is Dr. Wells, then who have we been working for this whole time?

arry Allen: Dr. McGee said that after the accident, Wells became a completely different person. It's because he is a different person.

Barry Allen: What happened to Grodd?
Caitlin Snow: We don't know. After the Particle Accelerator exploded, I went down to check on him, and his cage was empty.
Joe West: So he could have been affected by the same energy that hit Barry?
Cisco Ramon: When the dark matter hit Grodd, all the drugs and serums that Eiling injected him with could've activated. Maybe the Accelerator explosion created a meta-gorilla. I think we know what happens when a super-intelligent ape who's pissed off at humans escapes captivity.
Caitlin Snow: Cisco's right about the first part.

Caitlin Snow: Please tell me this is a joke.
Lisa Snart: Oh, you were right, Lenny. She is very uptight.
Caitlin Snow: I am not uptight. You can't call me uptight.


Barry Allen: Fifty-two breaches in Central City and the biggest one just happens to be in our basement.
Cisco Ramon: We need a name for it.
Caitlin Snow: It's not a pet, Cisco.

Jefferson 'Jax' Jackson: You know, this whole thing is strange, being 50% of someone.
Caitlin Snow: Yeah, but you're 100% a hero.


Caitlin Snow: You've coffee on your Earth, right?
Jay Garrick: I think coffee's the one constant thing in the multiverse.


Dr. Harry Wells: Before I left Earth-2, I worked on a serum to dampen Zoom's speed. All we would need is for Ramon to develop a weapon to deliver it.
Caitlin Snow: Oh, great, that could be this year's cold gun. Maybe another criminal can get it, and then we'd have Sergeant Slow.
Cisco Ramon: I would never let that happen. Sergeant Slow is a terrible name.

Gorilla Grodd: How did I become Grodd?
Caitlin Snow: Oh. That's a long story, Grodd. Um... The dark matter from the Particle Accelerator explosion. That's how this happened.
Gorilla Grodd: Repeat.
Caitlin Snow: Repeat?
Gorilla Grodd: Need to repeat Grodd.
Caitlin Snow: You... want me to make more like you? I don't know how to do that.
Gorilla Grodd: Learn.


Caitlin Snow: Why'd you put him in there?
Joe West: 'Cause if I didn't, I woulda killed him.


So, which one of you lounge lizards is in the wrong universe, hm?


Geomancer: I like to watch heroes fall and never get back up.
Caitlin Snow: He always gets back up.
Geomancer: Hard to do that when the Earth swallows you whole.


Hartley Rathaway: Well, as always, been a pleasure working with you all on this little project. If you need anything in the future, call me. I'm off to a late dinner.
Caitlin Snow: Mm, dinner? Anyone special?
Hartley Rathaway: Very. My parents.


Dr. Harry Wells: I said I would help you get faster. I did not say I would help you give the man who kidnapped my daughter and tortured her a chance to do it again.
Caitlin Snow: Hey, we are not gonna let that happen.
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh, you're not gonna let that happen. Gosh, I wish I'd known THAT the first time.


Joe West: I didn't find any known aliases in any of the records of CCPD. And Clariss won't say anything either.
Barry Allen: All right, well, keep at him. Alchemy is the one that gave Clariss back his speed.
Cisco Ramon: He's kinda like a doctor, that way, don't you think? Come on, don't pretend like Doctor Alchemy doesn't have a nice ring to it.
Caitlin Snow: Okay, well, that explains why he didn't have any traces of dark matter in his cells. He didn't get his powers from the particle accelerator, he got them from Alchemy.
Cisco Ramon: What's that?
Caitlin Snow: Doctor Alchemy.


Dr. Harry Wells: Who's Alchemy?
Cisco Ramon: Well, Doctor Alchemy is a magic man in a cloak who can somehow restore the powers that people had in Flashpoint.
Jesse Wells: Okay, what's Flashpoint?
Caitlin Snow: That's what we're calling the alternate timeline that Barry created when he went back in time and saved his mom.
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh. So Magenta is another side-effect from your time trip. Genius. Not.
Barry Allen: I don't need to be reminded. Thank you.

Caitlin Snow: Cisco, I'm so sorry about how I overreacted. I understand why you told everyone.
Cisco Ramon: Never helps when we keep things from each other.
Caitlin Snow: You're right. And I'm glad that you told everyone. I'm just not very good at asking for help. I get that from my mom.
Cisco Ramon: You're better than your mother.

Barry Allen: What do you think about what Julian was saying?
Caitlin Snow: I know that every bad guy we've ever had has pretended to be our best friend, while really being an evil, murderous bastard, but...
Cisco Ramon: I think if he's lying, he sure believes the hell out of his own lie.
Barry Allen: Okay, well what do we think about this box?
Cisco Ramon: It's creepy. Like, "Indiana Jones" melt your face creepy.


Caitlin Snow: You're the world's foremost specialist on metahumans.
Julian Albert: Yes, this much is true.
Caitlin Snow: And I need you to help me get rid of my powers. I've tried everything. I've run every test; blood, DNA, and I can't reverse this. I need to get rid of my powers before...
Julian Albert: Before what?
Caitlin Snow: Before I hurt someone else, the way I hurt you.
Julian Albert: I don't cure metahumans. I put them in prison. You're on your own, I'm afraid.


Caitlin Snow: I like you, Julian. I do. And I like that you like me, but I'm also afraid of my powers. And not what they could do to me, but what they could do to anyone who gets close to me.
Julian Albert: Caitlin, I'm not afraid.
Caitlin Snow: You should be. Fear me, Julian. It's not a threat. Just... good advice.


Caitlin Snow: Whatever good was in Grodd is gone. As far as I'm concerned, they can throw him in the same cage as King Shark.
Cisco Ramon: Mm, I'd pay money to see that fight.

Caitlin Snow: Her vitals are low. How long has she been like this?
J'onn J'onzz: A few hours.
Mon-El: Okay, we need to find whoever did this to Kara and punch him repeatedly until he reverses whatever spell he put on her, and I get to punch him first.


Caitlin Snow: Whoa. Don't tell me you have Frankenstein under there.
Cisco Ramon: It's Barry's new suit, although right now, I'm having trouble seeing it as anything other than a waste of time.
Caitlin Snow: Cisco...
Cisco Ramon: I know. I should've listened to you. Barry was never trying to communicate with us, but I believed it. I really did. Sometimes, I feel like if I believe in something hard enough, that'll make it real. You know what the worst part is? I didn't do it to save the city. I did it because it gave me an excuse to bring him back. I did it because I miss my friend.

Joe West: You put your voice in Barry's suit?
Cisco Ramon: Well, it had to be somebody and my voice is soothing.
Caitlin Snow: How much tech did you put in this suit?
Cisco Ramon: So much.

The Flash: I see her.
Caitlin Snow: She's getting away in a Prius.
The Flash: Last time I checked, the Flash is faster than a Prius.

Caitlin Snow: Why is the scariest person I've ever seen roaming our halls?
Barry Allen , Joe West: Cisco.


Amunet Black: You and I could have been gods.
Killer Frost: I used to work with a god. Over it.


Barry Allen: Ouch. All-nighter, huh?
Caitlin Snow: I haven't been this tired since Killer Frost decided to go to Burning Man.

Barry Allen: There's something I need to tell you. I confronted DeVoe.
Joe West: Oh, come on, Barry. He could get you arrested!
Barry Allen: No, he won't. He wanted me to come.
Caitlin Snow: How do you know?
Barry Allen: Well, for starters, he knows I'm the Flash.
Caitlin Snow: So you were right all along.
Cisco Ramon: We didn't believe you.
Joe West: I'm sorry.
Barry Allen: Don't be. DeVoe's been playing all of us.
Dr. Harry Wells: How?
Barry Allen: It's his powers. He has an intelligence beyond anything we could've imagined. He's orchestrated everything that we've encountered. He's moved us like chess pieces in a game we didn't even know we were playing.
Iris West: How do we stop someone who has super intelligence?
Cisco Ramon: We're pretty smart.
Dr. Harry Wells: Maybe we're not.

Dr. Harry Wells: Rip Van Ramon awakens.
Cisco Ramon: This doesn't look like a wedding.
Caitlin Snow: You missed quite a bit, Cisco.
Dr. Harry Wells: All you need to know is that you are locked up in one of your fabulous anti-meta-human cells with the rest of us. We can't escape.
Cisco Ramon: Of course we can't. That's what I designed them for, genius.


Cisco Ramon: Still no word from the courthouse.
Caitlin Snow: That's good news, right? No news is good news?
Dr. Harry Wells: No, good news is good news. No news is miscommunication.

Ralph Dibny: Look, this is all just fantastic, but we're not really gonna do this.
Cisco Ramon: Yeah, I mean, um, we've already got a lot on our plate just trying to free one innocent man.
Caitlin Snow: We all want Barry to be free, but I don't think that there's much else we can do right now. We kinda hit a wall.
Joe West: Well, we're not gonna get through that wall while we're working on this.
Iris West-Allen: It's just one case.
Dr. Harry Wells: And it's a case that we have to take. Allen has made one request of us since he's been incarcerated, and the request don't even involve himself. We have to take this case.
Cisco Ramon: It's unsettling how convincing you can be sometimes.


Ralph Dibny: You know, that actually wasn't a really bad pep talk.
Killer Frost: Well, it's your turn next time. If I ever decide to go full villain next time, you can give me the lame heart to heart.
Ralph Dibny: Full villain? Wait... Wait. I know how to fix this. I gotta see a girl about a guy. Thank you, Frosty Oprah.


Barry Allen: Has anyone seen Ralph today?
Caitlin Snow: No, he's downstairs moving in. He is very nervous.
Dr. Harry Wells: I don't know why.
Cisco Ramon: I don't know why, either. He's a superhero. People with powers are ready for anything.
Cisco Ramon: Ah! Son of a breach!

Caitlin Snow: Cisco, why can't you just help him?
Cisco Ramon: Why am I the only one who think putting a rageoholic and dark matter is a bad idea?
Caitlin Snow: He's trying to stop DeVoe. That's not a bad idea.
Cisco Ramon: He's trying to match his intellect with a mad man whose innovations are warping his brain. Have you not seen "Spider-Man 2?"
Caitlin Snow: No.

Cisco Ramon: He can't blast because he's getting older?
Caitlin Snow: Mm-hmm. Powers like yours require a lot of energy. And when that energy starts to dwindle...
Cisco Ramon: The vibe blasts are... the first things to go.
Caitlin Snow: I think you have to tell him.
Cisco Ramon: He's never, ever gonna let me see Gypsy again if I tell him. He's probably gonna send a knife flying through my skull if I tell him.
Caitlin Snow: He might. But it's the right thing to do.

Joe West: Hey, Caitlin?
Caitlin Snow: Hmm?
Joe West: Do you have any ibuprofen? Reading up on all this organic matter has given me an organic migraine.


Gideon: Hello, Professor DeVoe.
Barry Allen: No, no, no.
Barry Allen: Come on. Come on.
Barry Allen: DeVoe! DeVoe! DeVoe!
Gideon: Initiating Enlightenment protocol.
Clifford DeVoe: Let there be light.
Caitlin Snow: He did it.
Cisco Ramon: The Enlightenment.
Caitlin Snow: What are we gonna do?
Barry Allen: I don't know.

Caitlin Snow: Cecile's powers are connected to her pregnancy. Her contractions must be putting a strain on her transcranial link.
Marlize DeVoe: No, no, no. We need to do something about that.
Iris West-Allen: We can't stop her from having a baby, Marlize.
Marlize DeVoe: We have to, Mrs. West-Allen, or this will never work. She's the only way to get Barry in and out of Clifford's mind.
Cisco Ramon: Everyone, chill; it's not like Cecile's gonna lose her powers if she has this baby. Cecile's gonna lose her powers if she has this baby? Won't that leave Barry stranded in DeVoe's mind?
Marlize DeVoe: I'm afraid so.
Cisco Ramon: Information you may have wanted to share, like, way before now.

Caitlin Snow: What did you think we meant when we said "Harry was from Earth-2"?
Ralph Dibny: That is he from Earth, also.


Caitlin Snow: Killer Frost has been gone since the night that DeVoe took over your body.
Ralph Dibny: Jeez, Louise! No one tells me anything.


Iris West-Allen: Why didn't you guys tells us about this before?
Caitlin Snow: Oh, my God.
Cecile Horton: Barry never returns?
Joe West: That's why you came here. To see your father, because you were raised without him.

Caitlin Snow: I'm sorry we came all this way for no reason.
Ralph Dibny: No, I'm impressed. Your mom is a really good liar.
Caitlin Snow: Yeah. I know she forged this death certificate. I just... she's never gonna tell us why. We've hit a brick wall.
Ralph Dibny: Ah, but where you see a wall, this detective sees a brick door with no handle.
Ralph Dibny: What I mean is, I know exactly how to get what we came for.


Sherloque Wells: I have frightened you, Dr. Snow.
Caitlin Snow: I assume you came here for some other reason than murdering me?


Cisco Ramon: When DeVoe took over Sally, he also launched four of his own satellites to bring about the Enlightenment, but now that he's gone, maybe we can work around the... multiplexed burst-model channels and the inter-SV handoff.
Cisco Ramon: We've got eyes and ears. We've got eyes and ears!
Caitlin Snow: I knew you could do it.
Cisco Ramon: Ah!
Caitlin Snow: Oh, sorry.
Cisco Ramon: That was dumb.

Caitlin Snow: Dad! Please, I know you're in there. Don't do this.
Icicle: Do you think Thomas can hear you, Caity? Thomas hasn't been able to hear anything for a very long time.


Iris West-Allen: What's going on?
Caitlin Snow: I-I'm seeing a massive electrical surge at the power station downtown.
Iris West-Allen: Barry, Nora, you're up.

Cisco Ramon: Caitlin, why did you bring me here?
Caitlin Snow: Because, despite our last encounter with him, he did create a meta-gene, so I was thinking that you could use his research to do the reverse.
Cisco Ramon: Um... okay, don't look now, but if I didn't know any better, I'd say this feels a lot like you helping me make a meta-human cure.
Caitlin Snow: I couldn't stop thinking about what you said about how a cure would give you a second chance at a normal life. No friend would stand in the way of that.
Cisco Ramon: But there is a difference between you standing in my way and you actively helping me.
Caitlin Snow: I still think this is dangerous, but maybe if I'm involved, we can have some ground rules? Like the first, and most important, we will never, ever, force a cure on anyone.
Cisco Ramon: Okay. Rule number one. We're not just here to make a cure. We're here to make a choice.

Caitlin Snow: [seeing her restored glassboard wrapped with a bow] Killer Frost, you shouldn't have.
Killer Frost: It's the closest you're getting to an apology from me, so...
Caitlin Snow: Well, maybe that's why I can hear you without the MAD 2.0? Or maybe it's because you've stopped hating me?
Killer Frost: I didn't hate you, I thought you were being stupid. There's a difference.


Caitlin Snow: Neural oscilations are normal. You three are perfectly healthy. Oh, and we think we've figured out how you two ended up in Nora's brain.
Cisco Ramon: That is a satellite shard full of dark matter in Grace's head.
Sherloque Wells: Mon dieu.
Caitlin Snow: Sometimes surgeons leave a piece of shrapnel in a patient's brain if it's too dangerous to remove, and we think that the dark matter was seeping out to create a barrier around her brain. We can't go back in as long as it's there. It's too dangerous.

Cisco Ramon: Oh, god. Not the Book of Ralph again!
Ralph Dibny: Yeah, buddy. You successfully completed my 27 steps to getting over the love of your life. Gypsy is in the past, you have a new siren, so now it's time for... the art of love.
Cisco Ramon: Um, Caitlin?
Caitlin Snow: I've gotta finish working on the device to inject the cure.
Sherloque Wells: Also I have to inject the device for the cure.
Cisco Ramon: I-I-Iris?
Iris West-Allen: Oh, no, this is all you, man. I got an article I gotta write. Let me know when Barry gets back.
Cisco Ramon: Help me.

Lyla Michaels: So, why King Shark?
Caitlin Snow: Dark matter levels vary from meta-human to meta-human, but Shay Lamden's case is the most extreme we've seen, so we think if we could reverse the effects of a high level mutation like his...
Lyla Michaels: You can help all meta-humans.
Cisco Ramon: Look, we know King Shark has limited speech, but we're wondering could we try and talk to him? If we're gonna do this, we're gonna need his permission.
Lyla Michaels: Well, you're in luck, Cisco. Lately, he's been quite talkative.

Caitlin Snow: We ran city-wide racial recognition scans.
Iris West-Allen: And scanned for dark matter signals from Cicada's dagger.
Barry Allen: That was our last shot at confronting Cicada.
Iris West-Allen: We don't know that. The change in the timeline, that photo that Nora saw at the Flash Museum, it could be different now.
Caitlin Snow: Maybe it doesn't even exist.
Sherloque Wells: After all, the timeline is malleable.

Caitlin Snow: I thought we scanned Grace for meta powers when Nora entered her brain.
Cisco Ramon: We did, but that was back when her DNA was 100% human.
Sherloque Wells: Her powers must have activated in just the last few weeks, right?
Barry Allen: Yeah, Ambres told Joe that the wound in Grace's head recently started glowing and mutating.
Cisco Ramon: Now all we need to do is get Dwyer to listen to you, again.

Barry Allen: How was Nora able to see what Grace was seeing?
Caitlin Snow: Nora and Grace seem to be psychically connected. I think it's because of the time that Nora spent in Grace's brain.
Cecile Horton: Is there any sign of her?
Cisco Ramon: No. She definitely ghosted.
Nora West-Allen: What about Vickie and her family?
Cecile Horton: Uh, federal protection. They're gonna be fine. They're getting new identities as we speak.

Cecile Horton: The one person in the world she thought she could trust died in her arms.
Caitlin Snow: Nora must have felt completely alone.
Barry Allen: But she wasn't.
Iris West-Allen: Yes, she was. Because I wasn't honest with her.
Barry Allen: Iris...
Iris West-Allen: After all I did, she gave me a second chance. It's the least we can do for her.
Nora West-Allen: Mom?
Iris West-Allen: Don't make me regret this.


Caitlin Snow: Dad, I told you to go.
Thomas Snow: I already left once before. I left both of you. Worst mistake I've ever made in my entire life. I wasn't gonna make that again.


Caitlin Snow: Yeah, but the minute you got "The Book of Ralph" back from Cisco, you tried to give it away again. Don't you want to use it? Try to find someone special for yourself?
Ralph Dibny: Caitlin... look... "Book of Ralph"... works great for other people, but... never actually worked for me. I know I'm not... built for love... And that's okay.
Caitlin Snow: Ralph Dibny. You are kind, intelligent, and compassionate. And most of all, you put the needs of others before yourself. So that means you are built for love. And you deserve someone who loves you back.


Caitlin Snow: How do you feel?
Cisco Ramon: Scared. But I'm hopeful. Before I forget, I left you something in the workshop. Just, you know, my way of saying thank you.
Caitlin Snow: For what?
Cisco Ramon: Being a great friend.


Iris West-Allen: Dad, um, I meant to ask you, what did you do with those boxes that were in the back of the garage?
Cecile Horton: Oh, he finally threw them away. Thank you very much.
Iris West-Allen: Okay, I gotta make a call.
Caitlin Snow: Guys, I'm sorry. I actually have to sneak out, too. A friend of mine from med school needs my support. Thanks for having me; it was delicious.
Joe West: Bye, Caitlin.
Joe West: You notice ain't nobody help clean up?

Ralph Dibny: Guess everything's coming up frosty, huh?
Killer Frost: Yeah, I guess. Where do I start? How do you, you know, live a life?
Ralph Dibny: With a life coach, of course.
Ralph Dibny: So, first thing's first: the name "Killer", a little bit too much for some folks. Have you thought about changing it? My mom's middle name is Anne.


Killer Frost: Hey, uh... where's the scary guy who tried to kill us all?
The Flash: He won't get far.

Black Lightning: Where am I?
Killer Frost: Who are you?
Black Lightning: Send me back to Freeland now!
Killer Frost: Calm down, Electric Guy.Black Lightning: The name is Black Lightning.


Look, I hate to break it to you, but accidentally putting Barry's life in danger is kind of a rite of passage around here. We've all done it: Cisco, me, Ralph, even the janitor. He put too much wax on the floor.


Caitlin Snow: You're finally back.
Cisco Ramon: I am. Well, after a while, all the post-Crisis anomaly hunting starts to catch up with you - that, and I wanted to wash all the Atlantean fish smell off of these clothes.


Cisco Ramon: You scared us for a minute there.
Caitlin Snow: Yeah.
Ralph Dibny: Can you tell us what happened?
Caitlin Snow: I was home alone, and the wound from the light bullet was getting worse.
Cisco Ramon: I'm sure your run-in with Sunshine didn't help.
Caitlin Snow: Yeah, so I tried to ice heal it, and that's when the wound ruptured. It must have been my immune system's way of protecting me. Guys, I need help.
Ralph Dibny: You just tell us what you need. I mean, who do we know that can help with a... light-ice wound?
Caitlin Snow: There's only one person we can call. My mother.

Barry Allen: You think I'll ever wear it again?
Caitlin Snow: I hope so.
Barry Allen: I didn't have my speed for very long, but now that it's gone, it feels like part of me is gone, too.
Caitlin Snow: With or without your speed, you're still you, Barry.
Barry Allen: But I'm not. I'm not the best version of me. I love being the Flash. I love everything about it. The feeling of running hundreds of miles per hour, wind and power just rushing past my face, being able to help people. I'm not sure I can live without it, Caitlyn.

Zoom: You need to eat.
Zoom: Caitlin.
Caitlin Snow: If you want to speak to me, then take off that mask.
Hunter Zolomon: Does this make you feel better?
Caitlin Snow: Nothing you could ever do would make me feel better.


Cisco Ramon: So, the reason you didn't have your powers is because there was a dampener in the mask. You see?
Jay Garrick: I don't want to see this thing ever again.
Cisco Ramon: So your powers are back.
Joe West: I see Jay - excuse me - Hunter stole your color scheme too.
Jay Garrick: He stole a lot of things that were mine, except for that. That's, um - that's all him.
Iris West: He said it was his father's from the war.
Dr. Harry Wells: Ironically, on my - on our Earth - this helmet stood for hope.
Jay Garrick: Yeah?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah.
Jay Garrick: Maybe I can continue on that sentiment, take something from him, for a change, make it my own.
Caitlin Snow: It suits you.
Jay Garrick: Thank you, all of you, for saving me from Zoom, especially you, Flash.
Barry Allen: You're welcome, Flash.
Jay Garrick: Now all I have to do is find my way home.
Wally West: And where's that?
Jay Garrick: I think you would call it Earth-3.
Cisco Ramon: Uh-huh. Well, I can get you to Earth-2.
Dr. Harry Wells: My daughter and I can help you with the rest.
Jesse Wells: We can?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yes, we can. We're going home.

Dr. Carla Tannhauser: If you don't stop squirming, I'll never find a vein.
Caitlin Snow: What exactly are you testing for now?
Dr. Carla Tannhauser: Any polymorphism that could help us understand how you're able to absorb that much energy from molecules to create gelled surroundings.
Caitlin Snow: You realize I've run all of these tests already.
Dr. Carla Tannhauser: Then what was the point of coming here?
Caitlin Snow: Seriously, mom? I am terrified of what I'm becoming. You realize you haven't even asked me once how I'm feeling.


Iris West: So much for quiet and classy, right?
Caitlin Snow: Not exactly the bachelorette party you had in mind.
Iris West: Well, saving the city wasn't a bad way to spend the night.

Amunet Black: Why can't you just appreciate how nice I've been to you?
Caitlin Snow: I don't think you understand the meaning of the word "nice".
Amunet Black: Now, now. It's not about words. It's about actions. And I have not stabbed you or punched you or shot a deadly piece of metal at you once.
Amunet Black: Today.


Caitlin Snow: Looks like Axel was born nine months after Zoey was last seen. I bet she left to help take care of her son.
Iris West-Allen: And she came back to bust him out of prison, and pick up where she left off.
Joe West: Well, I'm digging into CCPD files to see if she had any other known associates.
Dr. Harry Wells: I'll set the satellite to do a search grid.

Barry Allen: What's that?
Caitlin Snow: I whipped up this cocktail of atomized DTPA and potassium iodide. It should flood our thyroids with enough non-radioactive iodine so that if our containment suit doesn't work, it should offer us some protection from radiation.
Leo Snart: Some protection. How vaguely reassuring.

Cisco Ramon: It's not too late for you to change things with your dad.
Caitlin Snow: But what if he doesn't want anything to do with me?
Cisco Ramon: Maybe he doesn't. But wouldn't you rather face that truth instead of spending the rest of your life wondering?

Caitlin Snow: Were you able to get in touch with A.R.G.U.S.?
Cisco Ramon: Well, I tried, but I kept getting interference at 650 nanometers.
Caitlin Snow: Isn't that the wavelength for red light?
Cisco Ramon: Red light, exactly. And when I checked the city's weather cams, this is what I found. Red skies, yellow lightning.
Caitlin Snow: So you think Barry and Oliver's shared psychosis is a result of... weird weather?
Cisco Ramon: Stranger things, right?
Caitlin Snow: Okay. I'll run their scans again.

Caitlin Snow: Van Horn Industries created a peaceful anti-riot device called a Neuro-Stasis Field Generator. It's basically a bio-EMP that can immobilize any living organism within a confined radius. Of course, the new devices they had built were stolen. I wouldn't even know where to begin looking for them.
Ralph Dibny: I do.
Ralph Dibny: Can you at least try not to look so surprised? Look, if we need this, uh neo-Matrix whatever it is, if it's stolen tech, I think I know where to look.


Cisco Ramon: Ladies and gentlemen, we finally have our hands on the meta-human cure. Cool, Cool. It's not like I spent weeks in the frozen tundra or anything.
Sherloque Wells: No, no, no. I think that just people are waiting for inevitable "but" that follows such a big statement.
Cisco Ramon: Mmm, no, it's done, and thanks to Caitlin, we even have a way to deliver our silver bullet, so, no "buts."
Sherloque Wells: I believe there is a big "but" coming.
Caitlin Snow: But we need to test the cure on a meta-human.
Sherloque Wells: There it is.

Caitlin Snow: Yeah, but the minute you got "The Book of Ralph" back from Cisco, you tried to give it away again. Don't you want to use it? Try to find someone special for yourself?
Ralph Dibny: Caitlin... look... "Book of Ralph"... works great for other people, but... never actually worked for me. I know I'm not... built for love... And that's okay.
Caitlin Snow: Ralph Dibny. You are kind, intelligent, and compassionate. And most of all, you put the needs of others before yourself. So that means you are built for love. And you deserve someone who loves you back.


Caitlin Snow: Here's what we know about the cryo-atomizer. Tannhauser originally developed it to combat land fires caused by droughts. So the cryo-atomizer can disperse cold air particles into the atmosphere that triggers rainfall. However, if Cicada can replace the cold particles with the cure prototypes she stole from Cisco...
Cisco Ramon: Which doesn't cure so much as it kills.
Caitlin Snow: ...she could infect the entire city.
Iris West-Allen: And every meta-human in it.

Caitlin Snow: You're talking about reversing nature.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: Nature never meant for us to fly, and yet we've touched the stars. And not by being slaves to the shackles of the natural order, but by transcending them. Take a look at your own life, Cait. How many times have you had to say goodbye to people? How many more have you not even had the chance to do so? My mum should be here. Your father should be here. Your husband should be here. Join me, and this is the end of goodbyes. No one you love will ever die again.
Caitlin Snow: I've seen your version of life. It's a nightmare. But you can still be your mother's son. She had so much faith in you, and so do I. You just need to have faith in yourself.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: Your words are madness.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: Next time won't be a choice.


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