Bourne Quotes

Latest Bourne quotes from The Bourne Identity (2002)


Bourne chatacter image

Bourne is played by Matt Damon in The Bourne Identity (2002).


Vertel me wie ik ben. image

Vertel me wie ik ben.


 I told you to come alone, but I guess that was too hard. So try this - I'm gone. image

I told you to come alone, but I guess that was too hard. So try this - I'm gone.


Giancarlo : What's this? You tie these knots? So it starts to come back, huh?
Jason Bourne : No, it doesn't start to come back. The knot's like everything else, I just found the rope and I did it. The same way I can, I can read, I can write. I can add, subtract. I can make coffee. I can shuffle cards. I can set up a chessboard.


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