Borat Sagdiyev Quotes

Latest Borat Sagdiyev quotes from Borat Subsequent Moviefilm

Borat Sagdiyev

Borat Sagdiyev chatacter image

Borat Sagdiyev is played by Sacha Baron Cohen in Borat Subsequent Moviefilm.


Alexa, order three flashlights image

Alexa, order three flashlights

This is the worst story that ever happened to any human being... or Jew. image

This is the worst story that ever happened to any human being... or Jew.

I go to America! image

I go to America!

Finally the time had come to deliver my daughter to the vice pussy-grabber. image

Finally the time had come to deliver my daughter to the vice pussy-grabber.

If you release me, I'll give you my klan robes! image

If you release me, I'll give you my klan robes!

Only men and bears are allowed inside car.


I take this, to be fat like American man!


Mike, you're fired!


People make recognize my face. I would need disguises.


I'm Stephen Miller. Sorry I'm late.


About a year ago I release movie film which brought great shame to Kazakhstan. But now I was instruct to return to Yankee Land to carry out secret mission.


Jak sie masz? My name-a Borat. My life is nice, NOT! But how I end up like this?


The vice premier was known to be such a pussy hound that he could not be left alone in a room with a woman.


My daughter is gift to someone close to the throne.


I was publicly humiliate.


Who told you my middle name!


Michael Penis, I brought girl for you!


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