Betty Schaefer Quotes

Latest Betty Schaefer quotes from Sunset Blvd

Betty Schaefer

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Betty Schaefer is played by Nancy Olson in Sunset Blvd.


I had ten years of dramatic lessons, diction, dancing. Then, the studio made a test. Well, they didn't like my nose - slanted, this way a little. So, I went to a doctor and had it fixed. They made more tests and they were crazy about my nose. Only, they didn't like my acting.

Betty Schaefer: Don't you sometimes hate yourself?
Joe Gillis: Constantly.

Betty Schaefer: Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Gillis, but I just didn't think it was any good. I found it flat and trite.
Joe Gillis: Exactly what kind of material do you recommend? James Joyce? Dostoyevsky?
Betty Schaefer: I just think that pictures should say a little something.
Joe Gillis: Oh, one of the message kids. Just a story won't do. You'd have turned down Gone With the Wind.
Sheldrake: No, that was me. I said, "Who wants to see a Civil War picture?"

Betty Schaefer: Oh, the old familiar story. You help a timid little soul cross a crowded street, she turns out to be a multimillionaire and leaves you all her money.
Joe Gillis: That's the trouble with you readers, you know all the plots

Betty Schaefer: I've been hoping to run into you.
Joe Gillis: What for? To recover that knife you stuck in my back?

Betty Schaefer: Perhaps the reason I hated "Bases Loaded" is that I knew your name. I'd always heard you had some talent.
Joe Gillis: That was last year. This year I'm trying to earn a living.

Betty Schaefer: Where have you been keeping yourself? I've got the most wonderful news for you.
Joe Gillis: I haven't been keeping myself at all, lately.

Joe Gillis: May I say that you smell really special?
Betty Schaefer: It must be my new shampoo.
Joe Gillis: That's no shampoo. It's more like freshly-laundered linen handkerchiefs, like a brand new automobile. How old are you anyway?
Betty Schaefer: Twenty-two.
Joe Gillis: Smart girl. Nothing like being twenty-two.

Betty Schaefer: Are you hungry?
Joe Gillis: Hungry? After 12 years in a Burmese jungle, I'm starving, Lady Agatha, starving for a white shoulder.
Betty Schaefer: Philip you're mad.
Joe Gillis: Thirsting for the coolness of your lips.

Betty Schaefer: So, you take plot 27A, make is glossy, make it slick?
Sheldrake: Eh-eh-eh-eh. Those are dirty words. You sound like a bunch of New York critics.

Betty Schaefer: I think you should throw out all that psychological mess - exploring the killer's sick mind.
Joe Gillis: Psychopaths sell like hotcakes!

Betty Schaefer: I'll get us a refill of this horrible liquid.
Joe Gillis: You'll be waiting for me?
Betty Schaefer: With a wildly beating heart!
Joe Gillis: Life can be beautiful.

Sheldrake: That'll be all Miss Kramer... Schaefer.
Betty Schaefer: Goodbye, Mr. Gillis.
Joe Gillis: Next time I'll write you "The Naked and the Dead".

Joe Gillis: Stop crying, will you? You're getting married. That's what you wanted.
Betty Schaefer: I don't want it now.
Joe Gillis: Why not? Don't you love Artie?
Betty Schaefer: Of course I love him. I always will. I... I'm not in love with him anymore, that's all.
Joe Gillis: What happened?
Betty Schaefer: You did.

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