Barry Lyndon Quotes

Latest Barry Lyndon quotes from Barry Lyndon

Barry Lyndon

Barry Lyndon chatacter image

Barry Lyndon is played by Ryan O'Neal in Barry Lyndon.


German Girl: It must be very danger for you, to be in the war.
Redmond Barry: I'm an officer and I must do my duty. image

German Girl: It must be very danger for you, to be in the war.
Redmond Barry: I'm an officer and I must do my duty.


I'm not sorry. And I'll not apologize. And I'd as soon go to Dublin as to hell. image

I'm not sorry. And I'll not apologize. And I'd as soon go to Dublin as to hell.


Redmond Barry: I'm under arrest? Captain Potzdorf, sir! I'm a British officer.
Captain Potzdorf: You are a liar! You are an impostor. You are a deserter. I suspected you this morning, and your lies and folly have confirmed this to me. You pretend to carry dispatches to a British general who has been dead these ten months. You say your uncle is the British Ambassador in Berlin, with the ridiculous name of O'Grady. Now, will you join and take the bounty that is on your head sir, or will you be given up?
Redmond Barry:   I volunteer. image

Redmond Barry: I'm under arrest? Captain Potzdorf, sir! I'm a British officer.
Captain Potzdorf: You are a liar! You are an impostor. You are a deserter. I suspected you this morning, and your lies and folly have confirmed this to me. You pretend to carry dispatches to a British general who has been dead these ten months. You say your uncle is the British Ambassador in Berlin, with the ridiculous name of O'Grady. Now, will you join and take the bounty that is on your head sir, or will you be given up?
Redmond Barry: I volunteer.


If ever I should meet him again you will find out who is the best man of the two. I'll fight him sword or pistol, captain as he is. image

If ever I should meet him again you will find out who is the best man of the two. I'll fight him sword or pistol, captain as he is.


Redmond Barry: Sir, I... I have a confession to make to you. I'm an Irishman. And my name is Redmond Barry. I was abducted into the Prussian army two years ago, and now have been put into your service by my Captain Potzdorf, and his uncle, the Minister of Police... to serve as a watch upon your... actions... and to give information to the same quarter.
Narrator: The Chevalier was as much affected as Barry at thus finding one of his countrymen. For he too was an exile from home, and a friendly voice, a look, brought the old country back to his memory again.


Redmond Barry: It is an honor to meet you, Your Majesty. I knew Sir Charles Lyndon before his passing.
King George III: We were very fond of Sir Charles Lyndon.


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