Arthur Quotes

Latest Arthur quotes from Inception (2010)


Arthur chatacter image

Arthur is played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt in Inception (2010).


Arthur : Eames, I am impressed.
Eames : Your condescension, as always, is much appreciated, Arthur, thank you. image

Arthur : Eames, I am impressed.
Eames : Your condescension, as always, is much appreciated, Arthur, thank you.


And I will lead them on a merry chase. image

And I will lead them on a merry chase.


 Paradox. image



 You should walk away from this! image

You should walk away from this!


What's going on up there? image

What's going on up there?


Arthur : You couldn't have peed before you went under?
Yusuf : Sorry.
Eames : A bit too much free champagne before take off, Yusuf?
Yusuf : Ha ha, bloody ha.


Arthur : Asshole! How did you mess up the carpet?
Nash : It wasn't my fault.
Arthur : You're the architect!
Nash : I didn't know he was going to rub his damn cheek on it!


With the slightest disturbance, the dream's going to collapse.


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