Alec Trevelyan Quotes

Latest Alec Trevelyan quotes from GoldenEye 1995

Alec Trevelyan

Alec Trevelyan chatacter image

Alec Trevelyan is played by Sean Bean in GoldenEye 1995.


See you in hell, James. image

See you in hell, James.

So, what's the choice, James? Two targets - time enough for one shot: the girl or the mission? image

So, what's the choice, James? Two targets - time enough for one shot: the girl or the mission?

Take a seat, my dear. You know, James and I shared everything. Absolutely everything... to the victor go the spoils. image

Take a seat, my dear. You know, James and I shared everything. Absolutely everything... to the victor go the spoils.

God save the Queen.


You know, James... I was always better.


Bond. Only Bond.


Kill him. The man just won't take a hint.


Oh, please, James, put it away. It's insulting to think I haven't anticipated your every move.


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