A Jewish Barber Quotes

Latest A Jewish Barber quotes from Apocalypse Now

A Jewish Barber

 A Jewish Barber chatacter image

A Jewish Barber is played by Charles Chaplin in Apocalypse Now.


Schultz, why have you forsaken me? image

Schultz, why have you forsaken me?

Tighten de belten! image

Tighten de belten!

Ah, de Aryan. Und de Aryan maiden. Ah, de Aryan maiden! Ah, the delicatessen bitte schön. image

Ah, de Aryan. Und de Aryan maiden. Ah, de Aryan maiden! Ah, the delicatessen bitte schön.

Shultz, you need a vacation. Fresh air. A little outdoor exercise. I shall send you to a Concentration Camp. image

Shultz, you need a vacation. Fresh air. A little outdoor exercise. I shall send you to a Concentration Camp.

Adenoid Hynkel: Strange, these strike leaders, they're all brunettes. Not a blonde amongst them.
Garbitsch: Brunettes are trouble makers. They're worse than the Jews.
Adenoid Hynkel: Then wipe them out.
Garbitsch: Start small. Not so fast. We get rid of the Jews first, then concentrate on the brunettes.
Adenoid Hynkel: We shall never have peace 'til we have a pure Aryan race. How wonderful. Tomainia, a nation of blue-eyed blondes.
Garbitsch: Why not a blonde Europe, a blonde Asia, and blonde America.
Adenoid Hynkel: A blonde world.
Garbitsch: And a brunette dictator.
Adenoid Hynkel: Dictator of the world!


Field Marshal Herring: We've just discovered the most wonderful, the most marvelous poisonous gas! It will kill everybody!
Adenoid Hynkel: All right, later, later, later.


Madame, your dancing was superb. Excellent. Very good. Good.




Ah, Herring. Poop-shin, Herring. Bismark, Herring.


Nothing works! Not a decent pen. Not even a sharp pencil! I'm surrounded by nothing but incompetent, stupid, sterile stenographers!


We'll give him the works! We'll put on the greatest military show the world has ever known! Convinced of my strength! Napaloni will leave the invasion of Osterlich - to me.


He's coming! He's coming! Quick! Get me a flower! A flower!


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